Prince Edward Island
Смотреть что такое "Prince Edward Island" в других словарях:
Prince-Edward-Island — Île du Prince Édouard Prinz Edward Insel Wappen Flagge (Details) … Deutsch Wikipedia
Prince Edward Island — Île du Prince Édouard Prinz Edward Insel Wappen Flagge (Details) … Deutsch Wikipedia
Prince Edward Island — [after Prince Edward, Duke of Kent (1767 1820), father of Queen VICTORIA2] island province of SE Canada, in the S Gulf of St. Lawrence: 2,185 sq mi (5,659 sq km); pop. 135,000; cap. Charlottetown: abbrev. PE or PEI … English World dictionary
Prince Edward Island — [ prɪns edwəd aɪlənd], Insel im Süden des Sankt Lorenz Golfs, bildet die kleinste und am dichtesten besiedelte Provinz Kanadas, 5 660 km2, 138 000 Einwohner, Hauptstadt ist Charlottetown. Umgangssprache ist zu mehr als 95 % Englisch. Die Insel… … Universal-Lexikon
Prince Edward Island — (spr. prinß éddwărd eiländ), s. Prinz Eduards Insel … Kleines Konversations-Lexikon
Prince Edward Island — This article is about the Canadian province. For the sub Antarctic islands, see Prince Edward Islands. For other uses of PEI, see Pei (disambiguation). Prince Edward Island Île du Prince Édouard (French) … Wikipedia
Prince Edward Island — an island in the Gulf of St. Lawrence, forming a province of Canada: 116,251; 2184 sq. mi. (5655 sq. km). Cap.: Charlottetown. * * * Province (pop., 2000 est.: 138,900), Canada. One of the Maritime Provinces and Canada s smallest province, it is… … Universalium
Prince Edward Island — Île du Prince Édouard 46°20′N 63°30′W / 46.333, 63.5 … Wikipédia en Français
Prince Edward Island — noun an island in the Gulf of Saint Lawrence; the smallest province of Canada • Instance Hypernyms: ↑Canadian province • Part Holonyms: ↑Maritime Provinces, ↑Maritimes, ↑Canadian Maritime Provinces • Part Meronyms: ↑ … Useful english dictionary
Prince Edward Island — Under the name of Isle St. John, it appears in Champlain s narrative and on his map. The name is found on earlier maps, and both the discovery and naming of the island have been attributed to Cabot, and again to Cartier, but without sufficient … The makers of Canada
Prince Edward Island — n. island in the Gulf of Saint Lawrence in Atlantic Canada; Canadian province located on Prince Edward Island … English contemporary dictionary